Friday, January 29, 2010

What have we been doing these days???

Well, a WHOLE lot of playing and entertaining ourselves around the house. It has been pretty cold here, so unless we really need to go somewhere we have just been staying around the house. Not too much to update, but here are some new pictures.

Caleb is really into dancing and clapping to any music right now. Here he is dancing and clapping to his truck that is playing music.

Here is a very close up picture of Caleb's teeth. You can even see his big molars in the back.

Opening and closing doors is also lots of fun. He goes into the toy room and shuts the door and plays for a long time.

Where's Caleb?????

Here is Caleb showing off his sign language. He is saying "please". He does please while dancing to his music...I'm pretty sure he has no idea what that one means. haha

If you notice a necklace in some of these pictures....please note that we are trying a teething necklace. I'll let you know how it works out.

"Mom, I can't get in this wagon and it is making me so mad!!"

"Now I'm stuck!!"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fang Junior

I've been told by Ricky's family that they called him fang when he was little. They said that he didn't really have any teeth and then a few weeks later he had them all. Well, Caleb hasn't been that dramatic, but he has 12 teeth now! I was talking to another mom the other day who had a son the same age as Caleb. She asked me how many teeth Caleb had. I told her twelve and she laughed and said her son only had four. I guess I didn't realize that Caleb had so many teeth compared to others. Maybe thats why he eats such big bites now!! This is the best picture I have of his teeth...which you can't see them good at all. I'll have to try for a better picture of them.

We have been staying busy around here with the "daily grind", which is very frustrating to me. I feel like the time is going by so fast and I'm not getting very much accomplished! Ricky has been working quite a bit, so when he is home we all try and just relax and spend time together.
Caleb had first overnight trip away from home a few weekends ago. My mom and dad watched Caleb for us while we went to dinner and a movie (first theatre movie since Caleb was born!). It was going to be late, so somehow my mom and Ricky talked me into letting Caleb stay the night. He had a great time and I don't even think he missed me. It was actually very nice for Ricky and I to spend time together and not have to worry about rushing home to Caleb. He slept all night there just like he does at home. I may have to try this more often now! :)
Caleb has also been going to the "big" nursery at church now. It is the walker/toddler nursery, so he is one of the smallest in there. We always go check on him during church to make sure he is doing fine. He actually loves to go in the nursery and play...he has never once cried for us when we leave. haha Anyway, Sunday evening I went to check on him and they were having snack time. Caleb was sitting in a chair at a table (this was shocking in and of itself). By the time the girl said prayer for the snack, Caleb had already eaten two of his animal crackers and two of his neighbors!! Seeing him sitting in a little class made me so sad...he is growing up way too fast!
Last week my friend April came over and brought her little boy Aidan. He is just a few months younger than Caleb. They had such a good time playing together. I included a few pictures below of them together.
Caleb and I went for a run outside this week...still had to bundle up, but we enjoyed the fresh air!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snow, Snow Go Away....

I heard on the news last night that it has snowed every day since the New Year here in West Virginia. I love the snow and it is beautiful, but I am ready for some sunshine and warmth. I'm dreaming of the days where I could stick a onesie on Caleb and go outside for a walk or a run!! Instead, we must have a hat, gloves, jacket, blanket, etc. Sometimes it is just easier to stay home than do all that bundling!

We have been staying very busy so far this year. I feel like I want to slow down time!! Ricky has been VERY busy with work. The Upward basketball program has started and he won't slow down until its over. There are over 200 children involved in the league and about 50 volunteers to make it all happen. I am very proud of him for how hard he works to make it so fun for all the kids!

We are also looking forward to a new addition in our family, well, not our family immediately. My sister, Angela, is having her 2nd (a baby girl) here in the next few weeks. We are so excited to finally have a girl in the family!!

Caleb is as rotten as ever. He is a very, very mellow baby (and very quiet). However, if he gets mad about something, it is on! He will get mad about the smallest things. For instance, if he is trying to close a door and there is something in the way and he can't close it or if he wants a toy that he can't reach. So we are working on patience, but it doesn't seems to be one of his best attributes so far. :) Otherwise, he is a very easygoing baby that pretty much entertains himself most of the day.

I always update on everyone else, so what am I into these days? Basically taking care of the boys. I feel like I am constantly feeding someone around here. There is always something to clean or groceries to be bought! I have been trying to remember my interests before Caleb. Before Caleb came along I was running 3-5 miles a day and teaching aerobics on the side. I have started working out again and hope to run a 5K this spring and just start out with that goal. However, Ricky does not enjoy running, so I'm hoping my Dad will do this with me!! (Yes Dad, You!) My Dad used to run maranthons and can run a 5K faster than me even when he hasn't been working out. We did run one a couple years ago together and had lots of fun. So I will start with one interest and build from there. :)

Sorry for the double wouldn't let me delete it.

This video is of my "helpers" around the house. Ricky had the camera looking through pictures and decided to video this the other day. It is seriously always like this when I clean! Wouldn't have it any other way though.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Caleb's 2nd Christmas

It has taken me a while to post since Christmas. Ricky has been off work this past week, so we have been having "family time" every day. We have been having so much fun! We are sad that Daddy has to go back to work.

The few weeks before Christmas we had a very sick little boy. It all started out with a cold, which turned into his first ear infection. As soon as his ear was getting better, he began to have a terrible cough...back to the doctor once again to find out he had the croup. The dr. said it was something completely separate he had picked up. After a few days, it seemed the croup was getting worse, but the cough sounded different. Back to the dr. we went to find out he had gotten a sinus infection, but the croup was better. Needless to say, Caleb survived all the illnesses just in time to be healthy for Christmas. If this wasn't bad enough, Caleb had 5 teeth break through during the sicknesses....I was convinced that I needed an award for survining all that. haha We were seriously thankful that he was well for all the holiday celebrations.

We had a wonderful Christmas!! It is definitely all about Caleb now, but we loved every second of it! Caleb really still didn't have a clue what was going on, but he had a blast anyway! We visited many family members and opened tons of presents. We also ate a lot of FOOD of course.

Caleb is getting VERY smart...he sometimes surprises me with what he knows. He now goes to the drawer where we keep the remotes and shakes the handle when he wants to watch a movie. He follows instructions like, put your sock in the hamper. One day I said this and he actually did it to my surprise! He is pretty quiet, but VERY VERY busy!! He doesn't stop all day (not even to cuddle). However, all the playing is tiring. He sleeps every night from around 7 p.m. - 7 or 8 a.m. He also takes two naps still. He eats like a 6 year old. haha A normal breakfast for him is an eggo waffle and a banana. He will basically eat whatever we put in front of him. He can say quite a few words, but uses them pretty sparingly. He really is a quiet baby, sometimes you have to look for him because he is so quiet. Okay, now I have updated you, here are the pictures.

Caleb playing with some Christmas toys
Caleb in his really cool new ball pit from Mimi and Papa - he loves it!

Caleb in his new rocking chair from Grandpa and Ma

Caleb and Grandpa Boggess

We were tired!

All 3 of us on Christmas

Best picture I could get of Caleb and his cousins Jayda and Macey. Really hard to get a picture of him still these days.

Caleb and Daddy on Christmas morning

Opening more presents at Aunt Staci's house

Caleb learned to feed Pokey a few weeks ago.

Caleb and Daddy can see how much he loves it.

Wrestling...all boy

Our good friends Brian and Sharon Lake's new baby girl - Charlee