Saturday, November 21, 2009

A few more Fall pics

Fall is my favorite time of year. Its not too cold yet, and the leaves are just beautiful! We had these pictures taken back in October when the leaves were at their peak. I don't think we were all three on top of our game that day, but I still liked the way they turned out.

My sister, her husband John and my nephew Andrew are coming in to visit this week for Thanksgiving. I'm sure I'll have lots of new pictures to post after their visit! I'm looking forward to time with family this week.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy First Birthday!!

We celebrated Caleb's 1st Birthday on Saturday. Sigh.... Such a mixture of emotions!! We had a small family party for Caleb at his Aunt Staci's house (as small as a party as you can have in the Boggess family!). It was so hectic that I didn't have time to shed a tear. Caleb had SO much fun at his party. He played, and played and played!!
I am always overwhelmed with the love that Ricky and I have from both sides of our families. I'm so thankful that Caleb has so many people that love him so much. Caleb of course was wondering what all the fuss was about, he had absolutely no clue what was going on.

I can never start to put into words how Caleb has changed our lives and even who we are. God has truly blessed us with a very HAPPY boy that makes everyone smile. He is very easy going, not to mention has slept through the night every night since he was 5 weeks old! The journey over this past year has been enlightning, adventurous, hard, fun, emotional and I wouldn't change it for anything!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What?? Where has the time gone?

So it has been a while since I have posted. We have had major computer/internet problems, but I am back up and running. I just can't believe that it is November. I feel like time is slipping through my hands as I try and slow it down!

Every year Ricky's side of the family tries to take a big family trip to the mountains for a long weekend. Each year this gets harder as there are more and more family members each year! Somehow, we all made it to the moutains for a beautiful, relaxing and fun weekend. Fall is my favorite time of the year and I thoroughly enjoyed the time with family and taking Caleb to see the beautiful leaves. Here are some pictures from Canaan Valley:
Caleb always seems to lose his shoes very quickly!
I love this picture! Caleb loves to poke his fingers in our ears...disgusting I know. But this picture captures it perfectly.
This is Ricky's dad. A lot of people think Caleb looks like him.
Ricky and Caleb at Canaan.
Here are a few random pictures:
Caleb spending some time with Dad before he heads to the farm for the weekend.
Caleb pretty much just likes to eat the leaves.
"Mom, look how wide I have to open my mouth to fit this tiny stem in it"

We also took Caleb to visit some family in his Halloween costume. He was a giraffe. I think he would have much rather visited without the costume, but he was SO cute that he had to wear it. Inside, I could hear him saying, "Mom, seriously? I have to wear this big heavy giraffe costume all evening"? Anyway, we made it to about 3 houses until we were all ready to crash.
Ha ha This was taken before we made it to any houses...

Cutest giraffe I have ever seen!

Caleb is into everything these days as I guess is normal for this age. His little personality comes out more and more each day. He is very curious (or nosy for that matter), funny, sweet and we love him more each day. I thought he was asleep for a nap the other day because he had been in his room not making a peep for about an hour. I pop my head in the door just to check on him and find that he had ripped his whole curtain down and was playing with the curtain rod in his crib. The look on his face was priceless when I found him...all I could do was laugh along with him! He also has learned how to open all the cabinets, open the CD player and also start the CD player in his room, he is very good at tormenting our dog Pokey and anything else he can find to get into.

Well, the dreaded day is quickly approaching. I know I shouldn't dread it, but I do. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Caleb's first birthday is just about a week away. November 14th marks a day that I certainly will never forget. Caleb came into our lives and turned our worlds upside down in a completely wonderful way!! This coming from someone who always said that I never wanted kids... Life is a lot more complicated and tiring now, but I would not change it for anything. I feel like God dropped the biggest blessing ever in our laps when Caleb was born. I can remember bringing that little bundle home from the hospital and thinking, "Okay, what do we do with him now"?? Well, here we are a year later and I guess we all survivied it! I guess for me, he is quickly changing from a baby and into a little boy and it breaks my heart. I just want to be able to hit a pause button and enjoy him at this stage. So I'm not a party planner, but we have planned a little family party with a fire engine theme. Should be fun!!

Here are a few more pictures for your enjoyment :)

Caleb "hugs" Pokey daily.

Love my little guy SO much!