Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Haircut and Peek-A-Boo

I put the first two pictures on here backwards. You have to look at the bottom one and then the top one to see the real order in which this "stunt" takes place. Caleb chases Pokey down and then rolls over top of her. This makes Pokey rather nervous, but she seems to be taking it pretty well so far. Caleb thinks Pokey is really funny!

Are you ready Pokey? Here I come!!

Caleb and I reading...his favorite right now.

So Caleb got his first "real haircut" this past week. He was beginning to have a mullet in the back and that is not exactly the look we were wanting to go with for him! :) He actually did very good while he got his hair cut. I think I ended up with more of his hair on me than he did! He had to sit on my lap, but he absolutely refused to wear the cape. I have no idea why, but he got so mad every time they tried to put that little cape on him. We finally gave up and I told them to just not worry about it. He looks like a little boy!! So sad...

I tried to get a picture of Caleb holding his "first haircut" certificate that they gave him. You can see that didn't go so well.

Here is a video I took of him this past week. He thinks it is so funny to play peek-a-boo right now. He started out putting his hands over his ears, then they moved to his mouth and now for the most part he gets his hands over his eyes. He cracks us up because every time we get on to him for something (like pulling the electrical outlet covers off for the 100th time) he plays peek-a-boo. Guess he thinks it will distract us from the disciplining!! Haha Anyway, I accidentially posted the wrong video, so I just left it on here too...please ignore my obnoxious voice if you can.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A little of this, a little of that.

These first few pictures are of Caleb visiting my Mom and Dad's house this past weekend. He loves to go there and play and always sleeps good when he gets home!

Having fun!!
Papa showing Caleb the mistletoe

Caleb giving me some love while I'm trying to take my shoes off!

The days are flying by and Christmas is quickly approaching. We have had our first snow, which was beautiful!! Caleb was very serious about figuring out what this new white stuff was on the ground and trees. So serious, that he couldn't smile for a picture because he was concentrating too hard.

Caleb also met Santa Clause at the mall. I was very impressed with this Santa...best one I had seen in a while! Caleb just kind of looked at him and was trying to figure him out also. Picture is kind of blurry because I took it with my cell phone. I was too cheap to pay $25.00 for a picture so they let us snap this with our phone.

We have all kind of had the sniffles and coughs around here. Caleb has had a runny nose for a little over a week, which I attributed to teething because he always seems to get a runny nose when he is cutting teeth. Two night ago, he was awake pretty much most of the night wanting to be held, which is very opposite of what he normally likes. He would much rather just be put in his bed and left alone to sleep. I held him while he slept for about 3 hours and then Ricky got up and held him another two hours. We started thinking that it may not be his teeth because he just wasn't acting like himself. We took him to the doctor today to get his ears checked and sure enough he had an ear infection in his left ear. They gave him two antibiotics, so hopefully we will have our happy little Caleb back very soon! It's so pathetic to see him not feeling good.

We wrapped our first Christmas gifts last night and only have about 6 or 7 more presents to buy. Hopefully Ricky will watch Caleb one evening and let me sneak out of the house and do some shopping to finish it off! The first present that went under the tree was a present from Caleb to Daddy. Ricky has already made his guess of what it is, but I guess we'll have to wait until Christmas to find out.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Loving the Holiday Season!

We had a blast at Thanksgiving! My sister and her husband John and my nephew Andrew got to come up from Greeville, SC for a whole week. A week seems like a long time, but it goes by WAY too fast. I love getting to see them and now it is so much fun watching the boys interact. Andrew is 2 1/2 now. I think he liked Caleb better when he couldn't move because now Caleb wants to play with the same toys as he does!! haha Wish we got to see them more.

Best picture we could get of everyone minus Ricky because he was hunting.

Every year I say that "it just doesn't feel like Christmas yet". Well, this year it does feel like Christmas for the first time in a long time. I don't know if its having a child now, or that fact that I'm not working full time give me more time to actually think about it. I am throughly enjoying slowly getting the decorations out, baking some goodies and burning yummy smelling candles! We finished decorating our Christmas tree yesterday, but I'm seriously thinking about removing all the ornaments from the bottom of the tree. Christmas bulbs look just like Caleb's favorite toy - a ball! Yes, so he yanks them off the tree, eats some glitter of the ornament and then throws it as hard as he can. Yikes!! Thinking I may just have to have a weird looking tree this year.

Caleb is walking everywhere. He has also learned how to stand up now without holding onto anything. He rarely crawls now, but he also has lots more injuries now. Caleb had his one year appointment on Tuesday and he had a bruise on each leg, a scratch across his face, two bruises on his forehead and a busted lip. I was just sure that they may call the authorities on me!! The doctor just laughed and said "you must have a little daredevil".

Caleb with some of his new birthday toys.

Caleb is a healthy little peanut! He weighs 20 pounds now and is 29 inches tall. He eats like a little piglet, but has decided that he doesn't like milk. He will only drink water, so we will keep trying the milk I guess. And his newest love is books...if anyone every gets bored please come over and read Caleb a book because he wears us out wanting us to read constantly!!

Caleb chasing me down with a book while I try and take his picture.

Reading, again.

We felt very blessed last Christmas to have Caleb here, but he slept through all Christmas parties!! haha We are SO looking forward to Christmas with Caleb this year. Yeah, he still doesn't have a clue what is going on, but he loves to visit with everyone, tear the wrapping paper and at least he'll be awake for pictures this year!!