Well, a WHOLE lot of playing and entertaining ourselves around the house. It has been pretty cold here, so unless we really need to go somewhere we have just been staying around the house. Not too much to update, but here are some new pictures.
Caleb is really into dancing and clapping to any music right now. Here he is dancing and clapping to his truck that is playing music.

Here is a very close up picture of Caleb's teeth. You can even see his big molars in the back.

Opening and closing doors is also lots of fun. He goes into the toy room and shuts the door and plays for a long time.

Where's Caleb?????

Here is Caleb showing off his sign language. He is saying "please". He does please while dancing to his music...I'm pretty sure he has no idea what that one means. haha

If you notice a necklace in some of these pictures....please note that we are trying a teething necklace. I'll let you know how it works out.

"Mom, I can't get in this wagon and it is making me so mad!!"

"Now I'm stuck!!"
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