This is what happens when you try and make Caleb stay still for a picture. haha

I'm not sure how time gets away from me so much. I blink my eyes and it seems like two weeks have flown by. Caleb keeps me moving pretty much constantly! He is down to one nap a day now and sometimes that one is only an hour. So needless to say, there is not much "down time". When 6:00 gets here, I feel like it is 10:00. I am exhausted!
Ricky has been working non-stop, so we haven't seen too much of him lately. He leaves in the morning, comes home around 2 or 3 for a few hours and then goes back until around 10:30. Only a couple more weeks and his schedule will be back to normal....I think all of us are ready for that!
Here are some picture from Easter weekend. Caleb is SO much fun right now. He had a blast at Easter and so did we!!
Caleb and his newest injury he got just in time for Easter!

Ricky and Caleb throwing rocks in the creek.
Caleb and his Easter eggs he got from his first Easter egg hunt. He loved them.

Easter morning

Still Easter morning... ???

All 3 of us on Easter