Thursday evening I noticed that Caleb hardly touched his dinner, but drank a huge glass of water like he couldn't get enough. I thought it was strange, but just thought maybe his teeth were bothering him or something. When I got him out of his high chair I noticed that he was burning up. I took his temperature and it was 102.3! He hadn't been sick at all, so I retook it and it was still just as high. I gave him some motrin and he wanted to go to bed and he slept all night. The next morning he still had a high temperature. I ended up taking him to the dr. to get his ears checked because that was the only thing I could think of that would be causing him to have a temp. The Dr. said his ears were clear and everything looked great. She went on to say that he probably has roseola. I've said this a thousand times, but I seriously never knew there were so many viruses until I had a child. Turns out roseola is a "very common" virus that most all kids get before the age of 3. Once they get it they are alwyas immune to it (thats why adults don't catch it). It is a very high temp for about three days and then they get a rash, which means the virus is gone. Well, we are on day 3 of the temperature and watching for a rash...I guess time will tell.
Here is Caleb, obviously not feeling his best.

Otherwise, Caleb is doing well, but we have to stay home since he is contagous. Ricky's b-day was Friday. His parents insisted we still follow through with our dinner plans and they watched Caleb. Ricky and I had a wonderful dinner together and then on the way home I got a migraine. I hadn't had one in almost two years. Anyway, Caleb and I were both asleep around 8:00 and Ricky was left to celebrate his bday alone. Sorry honey!!
Apparently kisses from Pokey help.

Caleb and I are beginning to go stir crazy, but hopefully this virus will be gone by tomorrow. We are looking forward to some warm weather one day hopefully soon!! We can't wait to play outside in the sunshine and go for walks!
We got Daddy some balloons for his is Caleb having fun with them!