Our hearts are overjoyed right now!! Ricky and I have been praying and seeking God's pefect will for our lives and future. We were finally coming into acceptace that we may never get to have any more children after the scare we have had with cystic fibrosis. We were just thankful that we had one healthy child from God. The doctors had no answers for us and our future since they knew nothing about the mutation for CF that I had passed down to Caleb. They told us that he may get more colds than other kids, his cold may be worse than other kids, basically they had no clue what to tell us. They knew he didn't have full blown CF, but didn't know whether there would be any other side effects.
After 10 long months, we finally got the call we had been praying about. I spoke with the genetics person we had met with last January. She explained that her and the CF doctor in Charleston had done a study on the two mutations that Ricky and I had passed Caleb to see how they reacted in other babies. It is complicated, but there are thousands of mutations for cystic fibrosis and therefore thousands of combinations of mutations that could be made. So they studied other kids that had the exact two that Caleb has to see what their outcome was. They found that the mutations that Caleb has cannot cause the disease. We already knew that he didn't have CF, but they have never been able to explain why. There are still so many unknowns of CF since they have not known about it very long.
So a long, complicated explanation to say that Caleb will never have any si effects form carrying these two mutations for CF and if we have any other children they cannot have CF either. Wow! We had specifically been praying that God would make it very clear about our future and what we should do and he sure answered it! Not that we're ready to have 5 more kids in the near future, but it is a huge relief to know that we can have more if we would like to. I'll be glad to completely put this behind us and move forward not ever having to worry about it again. God puts everything in our lives for a reason and He is still teaching us to lean on him daily!
Me and my boy - love him SO much!!
So, Caleb will never wear this outfit out again. WAY too many people asked if he was a boy or a girl that day. We'll save that outfit just to wear around the house. haha
Here he is ready for church!
We got him a tee ball set - hasn't quite figured it out yet. :) He loves any kind of ball to play with, he chases them around forever.

Our family is so blessed and we're thankful